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二、今年发展主要目标和下一阶段工作总体部署II. Main targets for development in 2020 and the overall plan for the next stage of work

做好今年政府工作,要在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中全会精神,坚决贯彻党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,紧扣全面建成小康社会目标任务,统筹推进疫情防控和经济社会发展工作,在疫情防控常态化前提下,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持新发展理念,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,坚持以改革开放为动力推动高质量发展,坚决打好三大攻坚战,加大“六稳”工作力度,保居民就业、保基本民生、保市场主体、保粮食能源安全、保产业链供应链稳定、保基层运转,坚定实施扩大内需战略,维护经济发展和社会稳定大局,确保完成决战决胜脱贫攻坚目标任务,全面建成小康社会。For the government to deliver this year, we must, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, do the following:  follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; implement the guiding principles of the Party’s 19th National Congress and the second, third, and fourth plenary sessions of its 19th Central Committee in full; firmly act on the Party’s basic theory, line, and policy;  strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership;  carry out covid-19 control and promote economic and social development to fulfill the targets and tasks for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects;  while carrying out regular covid-19 control, continue to follow the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, apply the new development philosophy, pursue supply-side structural reform as our main task, and draw momentum from reform and opening up to promote high-quality development; make progress in the three critical battles; step up efforts to ensure stability on six fronts and maintain security in six areas; steadfastly pursue the strategy of expanding domestic demand, ensure economic development and social stability, accomplish the targets and tasks for winning the battle against poverty, and bring to completion the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects.


当前和今后一个时期,我国发展面临风险挑战前所未有,但我们有独特政治和制度优势、雄厚经济基础、巨大市场潜力,亿万人民勤劳智慧。只要直面挑战,坚定发展信心,增强发展动力,维护和用好我国发展重要战略机遇期,当前的难关一定能闯过,中国的发展必将充满希望。At present and for some time to come, China will face challenges like never before. However, we have unique political and institutional strengths, a strong economic foundation, enormous market potential, and hundreds of millions of intelligent and hardworking people. If we face challenges head-on, boost confidence in development, create strong impetus for growth, and preserve and make the most of this important period of strategic opportunity for our development, we will, without doubt, be able to make it through this challenging time. The horizons for China’s development are full of promise.

综合研判形势,我们对疫情前考虑的预期目标作了适当调整。今年要优先稳就业保民生,坚决打赢脱贫攻坚战,努力实现全面建成小康社会目标任务;城镇新增就业900万人以上,城镇调查失业率6%左右,城镇登记失业率5.5%左右;居民消费价格涨幅3.5%左右;进出口促稳提质,国际收支基本平衡;居民收入增长与经济增长基本同步;现行标准下农村贫困人口全部脱贫、贫困县全部摘帽;重大金融风险有效防控;单位国内生产总值能耗和主要污染物排放量继续下降,努力完成“十三五”规划目标任务。On the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the current situation, we have made proper adjustments to the targets that we were considering before covid-19 struck. This year, we must give priority to stabilizing employment and ensuring living standards, win the battle against poverty, and achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. Specifically, we have set the following targets: Over 9 million new urban jobs, a surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 6 percent, and a registered urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent CPI increase of around 3.5 percent More stable and higher-quality imports and exports, and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments Growth in personal income that is basically in step with economic growth Elimination of poverty among all rural residents living below the current poverty line and in all poor counties Effective prevention and control of major financial risks A further drop in energy consumption per unit of GDP and the discharge of major pollutants Accomplishment of the 13th Five-Year Plan


需要说明的是,我们没有提出全年经济增速具体目标,主要因为全球疫情和经贸形势不确定性很大,我国发展面临一些难以预料的影响因素。这样做,有利于引导各方面集中精力抓好“六稳”、“六保”。“六保”是今年“六稳”工作的着力点。守住“六保”底线,就能稳住经济基本盘;以保促稳、稳中求进,就能为全面建成小康社会夯实基础。要看到,无论是保住就业民生、实现脱贫目标,还是防范化解风险,都要有经济增长支撑,稳定经济运行事关全局。要用改革开放办法,稳就业、保民生、促消费,拉动市场、稳定增长,走出一条有效应对冲击、实现良性循环的新路子。I would like to point out that we have not set a specific target for economic growth this year. This is because our country will face some factors in its development that are difficult to predict due to the great uncertainty regarding the covid-19 pandemic and the world economic and trade environment. Not setting a specific target for economic growth will enable all of us to concentrate on ensuring stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas. We must focus on maintaining security in the six areas in order to ensure stability on the six fronts. By doing so, we will be able to keep the fundamentals of the economy stable. Maintaining security will deliver the stability needed to pursue progress, thus laying a solid foundation for accomplishing our goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.We must be clear that efforts to stabilize employment, ensure living standards, eliminate poverty, and prevent and defuse risks must be underpinned by economic growth; so ensuring stable economic performance is of crucial significance. We must pursue reform and opening up as a means to stabilize employment, ensure people’s wellbeing, stimulate consumption, energize the market, and achieve stable growth. We need to blaze a new path that enables us to respond effectively to shocks and sustain a positive growth cycle.


积极的财政政策要更加积极有为。今年赤字率拟按3.6%以上安排,财政赤字规模比去年增加1万亿元,同时发行1万亿元抗疫特别国债。这是特殊时期的特殊举措。上述2万亿元全部转给地方,建立特殊转移支付机制,资金直达市县基层、直接惠企利民,主要用于保就业、保基本民生、保市场主体,包括支持减税降费、减租降息、扩大消费和投资等,强化公共财政属性,决不允许截留挪用。要大力优化财政支出结构,基本民生支出只增不减,重点领域支出要切实保障,一般性支出要坚决压减,严禁新建楼堂馆所,严禁铺张浪费。各级政府必须真正过紧日子,中央政府要带头,中央本级支出安排负增长,其中非急需非刚性支出压减50%以上。各类结余、沉淀资金要应收尽收、重新安排。要大力提质增效,各项支出务必精打细算,一定要把每一笔钱都用在刀刃上、紧要处,一定要让市场主体和人民群众有真真切切的感受。We will pursue a more proactive and impactful fiscal policy.The deficit-to-GDP ratio this year is projected at more than 3.6 percent, with a deficit increase of one trillion yuan over last year. On top of this, one trillion yuan of government bonds for covid-19 control will also be issued. These are extraordinary measures for an unusual time. The aforementioned two trillion yuan will be transferred in full to local governments; a special transfer payment mechanism will be set up to ensure that funds go straight to prefecture and county governments and directly benefit businesses and people. These funds should be primarily used to ensure employment, meet basic living needs, and protect market entities. This includes giving support to cut taxes and fees, reduce rents and interest on loans, and increase consumption and investment. It is important to stress that government funds are public in nature and that no such funds are allowed to be withheld or diverted for non-designated uses.We will work harder to improve the composition of fiscal spending. We will see that spending on people’s basic wellbeing is only increased and not cut, ensure spending in key areas, and resolutely cut general expenditures. Construction of new government buildings and wasteful and excessive spending will be strictly prohibited.Government at all levels must truly tighten its belt. The central government will take the lead by committing to negative growth in its budgetary spending, with a more than 50 percent cut to outlays on non-essential and non-obligatory items. All types of surplus, idle and carryover funds that should be taken back will be withdrawn and reallocated. We will see that funds are put to better and more effective use; we will scrutinize all expenditure items and see that every cent is used where it is needed most and where market entities and the people will feel the greatest benefit from it.


稳健的货币政策要更加灵活适度。综合运用降准降息、再贷款等手段,引导广义货币供应量和社会融资规模增速明显高于去年。保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上基本稳定。创新直达实体经济的货币政策工具,务必推动企业便利获得贷款,推动利率持续下行。We will pursue a prudent monetary policy in a more flexible and appropriate way. We will use a variety of tools such as required reserve ratio reductions, interest rate cuts, and re-lending to enable M2 money supply and aggregate financing to grow at notably higher rates than last year. We will keep the RMB exchange rate generally stable at an adaptive, balanced level. As we work to develop new monetary policy instruments that can directly stimulate the real economy, it is crucial that we take steps to ensure enterprises can secure loans more easily, and promote steady reduction of interest rates.


就业优先政策要全面强化。财政、货币和投资等政策要聚力支持稳就业。努力稳定现有就业,积极增加新的就业,促进失业人员再就业。各地要清理取消对就业的不合理限制,促就业举措要应出尽出,拓岗位办法要能用尽用。We will strengthen the employment-first policy with comprehensive measures. We will create synergy to stabilize employment through the coordinated use of fiscal, monetary, and investment policies. We will strive to keep existing jobs secure, work actively to create new ones, and help unemployed people find work. All local governments need to overhaul or rescind excessive restrictions on employment, and adopt all possible measures to bolster employment.


脱贫是全面建成小康社会必须完成的硬任务,要坚持现行脱贫标准,增加扶贫投入,强化扶贫举措落实,确保剩余贫困人口全部脱贫,健全和执行好返贫人口监测帮扶机制,巩固脱贫成果。要打好蓝天、碧水、净土保卫战,实现污染防治攻坚战阶段性目标。加强金融等领域重大风险防控,坚决守住不发生系统性风险底线。Eliminating poverty is an obligatory task we must complete in order to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We will continue to apply the current poverty alleviation standards, increase inputs into poverty alleviation, and take stronger steps to implement poverty reduction measures, to ensure that all remaining poor people are lifted out of poverty. We will improve and effectively utilize mechanisms for monitoring and assisting people who fall back into poverty and consolidate our gains in poverty alleviation. We will endeavor to protect our blue skies, clear waters, and clean lands, and meet the goals for the critical battle of pollution prevention and control. Strong measures will be taken to prevent and control major risks in the financial and other sectors and to forestall systemic risks.

今年已过去近5个月,下一阶段要毫不放松常态化疫情防控,抓紧做好经济社会发展各项工作。出台的政策既保持力度又考虑可持续性,根据形势变化还可完善,我们有决心有能力完成全年目标任务。Almost five months of this year have passed. In the next stage, we will not let up on any front of our long-term fight against covid-19, nor will we lose any time in advancing China’s economic and social development agenda. The policies we adopt should be both forceful and sustainable, and they may be adjusted as called for. We have both the resolve and ability to accomplish the targets and tasks set for this year.

三、加大宏观政策实施力度,着力稳企业保就业III.Forcefully implementing macro policies to keep businesses and employment stable

保障就业和民生,必须稳住上亿市场主体,尽力帮助企业特别是中小微企业、个体工商户渡过难关。To ensure employment and people’s wellbeing, we must instill confidence in over one hundred million market entities; and we must do our utmost to help businesses, particularly MSMEs, and self-employed individuals get through this challenging time.

加大减税降费力度。强化阶段性政策,与制度性安排相结合,放水养鱼,助力市场主体纾困发展。继续执行去年出台的下调增值税税率和企业养老保险费率政策,新增减税降费约5000亿元。前期出台6月前到期的减税降费政策,包括免征中小微企业养老、失业和工伤保险单位缴费,减免小规模纳税人增值税,免征公共交通运输、餐饮住宿、旅游娱乐、文化体育等服务增值税,减免民航发展基金、港口建设费,执行期限全部延长到今年年底。小微企业、个体工商户所得税缴纳一律延缓到明年。预计全年为企业新增减负超过2.5万亿元。要坚决把减税降费政策落到企业,留得青山,赢得未来。We will further cut taxes and fees. We will aggressively implement current policies in conjunction with institutional arrangements to create a more enabling environment and help market entities overcome difficulties and achieve development. We will continue implementing the policies introduced last year on lowering VAT rates and the share of employees’ basic old-age insurance paid by enterprises, and we will make further tax and fee cuts of about 500 billion yuan. The policies introduced early this year that are due to expire by June will all be extended till the end of the year. They include the following: exempting MSMEs from contributions to basic old-age insurance, unemployment insurance, and work injury compensation insurance schemes; reducing or cancelling VAT for small-scale taxpayers; exempting VAT on services such as public transportation, restaurants and hotels, tourism and entertainment, and culture and sports; and reducing or cancelling civil aviation development fund contributions and port development fees. The payment of corporate income taxes by micro and small businesses and self-employed individuals will be postponed to next year. We expect that these measures will see additional savings of more than 2.5 trillion yuan for enterprises throughout the year. All tax and fee reduction policies must be fully implemented for our businesses, so that they can sustain themselves and assure success for the future.

推动降低企业生产经营成本。降低工商业电价5%政策延长到今年年底。宽带和专线平均资费降低15%。减免国有房产租金,鼓励各类业主减免或缓收房租,并予政策支持。坚决整治涉企违规收费。We will reduce enterprises’ production and operating costs.The policy of reducing electricity prices for general industrial and commercial businesses by 5 percent will be extended to the end of the year. The rates for broadband and dedicated internet access services will be cut by 15 percent on average. Rents for state-owned premises will be lowered or exempted, and all other types of property owners are encouraged to also reduce, waive, or defer rent payments, and they will receive policy support from the government in doing so. We will take firm steps to stop the unauthorized levy of fees on enterprises.


强化对稳企业的金融支持。中小微企业贷款延期还本付息政策再延长至明年3月底,对普惠型小微企业贷款应延尽延,对其他困难企业贷款协商延期。完善考核激励机制,鼓励银行敢贷、愿贷、能贷,大幅增加小微企业信用贷、首贷、无还本续贷,利用金融科技和大数据降低服务成本,提高服务精准性。大幅拓展政府性融资担保覆盖面并明显降低费率。大型商业银行普惠型小微企业贷款增速要高于40%。促进涉企信用信息共享。支持企业扩大债券融资。加强监管,防止资金“空转”套利,打击恶意逃废债。金融机构与贷款企业共生共荣,鼓励银行合理让利。为保市场主体,一定要让中小微企业贷款可获得性明显提高,一定要让综合融资成本明显下降。We will increase financial support to keep business operations stable.The policy allowing MSMEs to postpone principal and interest repayments on loans will be further extended till the end of March next year—payments on all inclusive loans of micro and small businesses eligible for this policy should also be deferred, and other businesses facing financial difficulties can discuss similar terms with their creditors.We will improve assessment and incentive mechanisms and give encouragement to banks to see that they are confident, willing and able to grant loans, make substantial increases to credit loans, first-time loans, and loan renewals without repayment of principal to micro and small businesses, and apply financial technology and big data to reduce service costs and make their services more targeted. The scope of the government financing guaranty will be expanded and guaranty fees will be reduced significantly. Large commercial banks should increase inclusive finance lending to micro and small businesses by more than 40 percent. We will encourage the sharing of enterprises’ credit information. We will support enterprises in increasing bond financing. We should tighten regulation, prevent funds from simply circulating in the financial sector for the sake of arbitrage, and crack down on debt evasion. As financial institutions and the businesses that borrow from them share a common stake, we encourage banks to make appropriate interest concessions. To support market entities, we must ensure that MSMEs have significantly better access to loans and that overall financing costs drop markedly.


千方百计稳定和扩大就业。加强对重点行业、重点群体就业支持。今年高校毕业生达874万人,要促进市场化社会化就业,高校和属地政府都要提供不断线的就业服务,扩大基层服务项目招聘。做好退役军人安置和就业保障。实行农民工在就业地平等享受就业服务政策。帮扶残疾人、零就业家庭等困难群体就业。我国包括零工在内的灵活就业人员数以亿计,今年对低收入人员实行社保费自愿缓缴政策,涉及就业的行政事业性收费全部取消,合理设定流动摊贩经营场所。资助以训稳岗拓岗,加强面向市场的技能培训,鼓励以工代训,共建共享生产性实训基地,今明两年职业技能培训3500万人次以上,高职院校扩招200万人,要使更多劳动者长技能、好就业。We will make every effort to stabilize and expand employment.We will increase employment support for key sectors and key groups. With 8.74 million college students graduating this year, we need to encourage market-based employment, ensure that colleges and the governments of localities where they are located provide employment services to these students on an ongoing basis, and expand recruitment to primary-level service projects. We will provide assistance and employment services for demobilized military personnel. We will adopt a policy to see rural migrant workers have equal access to employment services in the cities where they work. We will assist people with disabilities, zero-employment families, and other groups facing difficulty in securing work. There are several hundred million workers, including casual laborers, in flexible employment in China. This year, low-income earners will be allowed to postpone the payment of their social insurance premiums, all employment-related government charges will be cancelled, and sites will be designated for mobile vendors. We will finance skills training to stabilize and expand employment, step up market-oriented skills training, and encourage work-based training and the joint development and sharing of vocational training centers. This year and next, more than 35 million vocational skills training opportunities will be provided, and enrollment in vocational colleges will grow by 2 million. This will help more people improve their skills and secure jobs.

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